
What we Do

  • RecordsCheck.net is an online research service specializing in background checks and fraud prevention. We obtain information from various public and non-public record databases, court records, state and national databases and other repositories nationwide. Our clients obtain information online and in real-time and have access to many national and international databases.

  • You can find people, perform instant checks and more on your employees, tenants and others instantly. We are the most up-to-date public records research group available on the Internet and are favored by legal professionals and other industries that perform background research and investigate fraud.

  • Our service is restricted to users such as employment and tenant screeners, attorneys, police, staffing agencies and any other licensed businesses only.

  • Many different businesses use our service to investigate fraud. Our clients obtain public records, SSN traces, criminal records and more, online and in real-time.

Email Address Search

  • Price: $0.50 No Hit/No Fee: Yes

    Email Address Search is useful when trying to determine who a certain email address belongs to. The search can be conducted by name or email address and can be filtered by city and/or state.

  • Search one of the largest email address databases available on the internet. Over 240 million unique records are stored on our servers and counting.